Rapidly Growing Non Asset Based Logistics Firm Specializing in Distribution
Listing: #FW00017Geoff Warrell
Broker | Fort Worth

About this Business for sale in Dallas-Fort Worth
Rapidly Growing Non Asset Based Logistics Firm Specializing in DistributionThis company focuses on providing logistical trucking services, headquartered in the South-Central United States. The Company provides an array of services including dedicated flatbed, expedite, over dimensional, van trucking, and temperature controlled to destinations throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Throughout its nine-year history, the firm has built a trustworthy and recognizable name brand within the region. The Company has become a dominant player in the industry by providing a suite of first-class services to their clients, incomparable to any of their competitors. The Company currently operates out of a single administrative office with numerous independent truckers bidding and engaging in the actual transportation of goods. Working as the middleman between customers and bidders, the Company has been able to maintain a very low cost of assets on their books. If there were to be any economic downturns in the future, this Company is well positioned compared to competitors who own and operate trucks, or equipment, due to their low-cost basis every year.
The Company benefits from their premium service offerings and competitive pricing when compared to other participants within the industry. Even while decreasing their risk, the Company was able to increase their adjusted EBITDA margin to nearly ten percent in the 2021 fiscal year. Due to the Companies track record of exceptional customer service and logistical knowledge, they have gained a book of repeat customers. The Company is expected to grow nearly fifty percent in terms of revenue and over forty-six percent in terms of adjusted earnings from 2021 into 2022. Proven from the Company’s previous track record, there is still amble room for growth in the years to
*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.