Link Business

Profitable North Texas Retail Tack Shop

Listing: #FW00021








Retail Trade

Angela Marsh

Broker | Fort Worth

Angela Marsh

(682) 302-4556

(817) 504-2592

About this Business for sale in

Profitable North Texas Retail Tack Shop

This company, based in North Texas, specializes in the sale of horse tack, and supplies for the working cowboy, everyday horseback riders and equestrian enthusiasts. The store was founded over a decade ago by a husband-and-wife team with a love for the equestrian community. The store provides a niche opportunity for the regional equestrian community to obtain quality riding products and horse supplies. Their offerings include a wide variety of new and used Western and English tack from Miniature horses to draft horses at very affordable prices. The shop is located on a main thoroughfare in a bustling Texas town conveniently located near many horse ranches, farms, event, and training facilities. In addition to its local and regional customer base, the shop enjoys many in and out-of-state customers who travel to take advantage of the store’s selection and great prices. The store prides itself on a loyal customer base of family-owned horse ranches and farms many of which have been customers for years.

The Company’s sales are derived from retail sales of a diverse product line of equestrian and related items. The shop has had steady sales for years with no single customer accounting for a significant percentage of its annual sales. Their customer base includes both new and repeat clients. Over its history, the store has developed deep rooted relationships and trust with its patrons. The shop’s hard-earned reputation for excellence, quality and price has positioned the business for continued growth and profitability.

Real Estate also available for purchase! If interested please contact the broker for the listing.

Facilities: All assets required to operate business included with purchase.

Competition: Great market with large customer base! Limited competition. Closest tack shop nearly an hour away.

Growth & Expansion:

  1. Expanded hours of operation to Saturday afternoon and Sunday.
  2. New Location –Open a satellite location to promote strong reputation elsewhere.
  3. Increase online sales with web store.
  4. Increase product offerings to include additional brands and new areas of horse supplies and related items. o Increased investments in marketing, outreach, and web presence.

Financing: Up to 80% seller financing available, terms negotiable

Support & Training: Sellers will provide up to 20 hours of training a week for four weeks post closing

Reason for Selling: Retirement

Fort Worth
(682) 302-4556
(817) 504-2592

Angela Marsh

Inquire Now
Fort Worth
(682) 302-4556
(610) 716-1426

Geoff Warrell

*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.