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Profitable North Texas Auto & Truck Maintenance & Repair Firm

Listing: #FW00029







North Texas



Geoff Warrell

Broker | Fort Worth

Geoff Warrell

(682) 302-4556

(610) 716-1426

About this Business for sale in North Texas

Profitable North Texas Auto & Truck Maintenance & Repair Firm

Turn-key Auto & Truck Fleet Repair Facility

The Company, based in North Texas, offers a variety of fleet maintenance and repair services with high-quality customer service and expertise. The Company offers solutions for domestic (United States manufactured) and European vehicles and equipment; with extensive services maintaining every aspect of the vehicle including electrical, HVAC, brake system, exhaust system, engine, suspension, transmission, and equipment components. The Firm’s business philosophy is directed at providing the highest-quality solutions to all client needs. Throughout its history, the Company has built a reputable brand name based on this philosophy and has been recognized on numerous occasions for a variety of rewards, including becoming a finalist for “Business of the Year.” Though the Company primarily focuses on in-house solutions, it also provides online resources for customers to self-diagnose automobile problems and attempt to troubleshoot before receiving outside care. Through this blog, the Business has driven foot traffic and customer referrals which continue to drive revenue growth. The Business is supported by a highly experienced workforce of mechanical technicians boasting vast experience in the field.

Fort Worth
(682) 302-4556
(610) 716-1426

Geoff Warrell

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*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.