35 Years Old, Long Established Pet Grooming Business For Sale In Los Angeles County!
Listing: #LA04266
About this Business for sale in Los Angeles County
35 Years Old, Long Established Pet Grooming Business For Sale In Los Angeles County!35 Years Old, Long Established Pet Grooming Business For Sale In Los Angeles County! Established in 1982, owner started the business and built this long-standing, successful pet grooming business near the beach city and popular dog park. Located in a large shopping center with a well-known anchor tenant, seller is selling desiring to finally retire and take a long vacation. Perfect opportunity for an existing shop groomer who wants to venture out onto his or her own, or a seasoned duo who wants to grow the clientele and expand the service…opportunity to expand existing business to a pet motel and grooming business. Owner will transition new ownership with current client introductions, grooming techniques, equipment training and marketing consultation. Turnkey operation and priced to sell!
For more information and additional details please contact Simon Lusky at (310) 387-4480 or Susie Kang at (310) 975-9492
*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.