*** SOLD ***
Check Cashing Gold Mine in Best Location
Listing: #LA3057About this Business for sale in
Check Cashing Gold Mine in Best LocationCheck Cashing Gold Mine in the Best Location is Priced to Sell!!! For 22 years this company has continued to make money because it is located at a busy intersection in Hollywood, California. The immediate neighborhood is very nice with excellent demographics that keep the loyal clients coming in. This is a golden opportunity for someone who wants to provide services for the local community while making a decent living. It is very easy to operate and needs no employees if the buyer operates similar to the current owner. All transactions have been logged and can be verified with bank deposits. The quantity of “bad checks” is less than $1,000 per year. The company offers additional services including money wire, lottery sales, and bill payment. Company can grow in many directions for the enterprising buyer by offering additional services such as higher check cashing limits or Pay Day loan services. This business has a very low overhead. Buyer would need an additional $40-50,000 in working capital available beyond the purchase price to cover checks in transit at any one time. All deposits are transacted with a local bank that is very close. Owner is ready to retire and wants to travel and enjoy now that her children are grown and married. Act fast before this unique opportunity gets away. Call George Young at 310-539-8300 now!
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*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.