*** SOLD ***
Santa Barbara County Home Health Agency
Listing: #LA3731About this Business for sale in Southern California
Santa Barbara County Home Health AgencyHigh Volume Home Health Agency in Santa Barbara County High volume Home Health Agency annual SDE of $230K in Santa Barbara County. Serving three counties for over 11 years in ILS, SLS, PHCS and several others. Fully operational business with existing management that runs day to day, absentee Owner. Divorce forces sale. Principals only with proof of funds. For more information, please contact Joe Khoury at 213-422-7088 with Listing ID LA3731.
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*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.