*** SOLD ***
Profitable Lunch and breakfast cafe
Listing: #LA3879About this Business for sale in Orange County
Profitable Lunch and breakfast cafeVery well established breakfast and lunch café located in a large business office and residential mixed area. Short hours 7am-2pm for breakfast and lunch only. Great online reviews it's food and service. This is great opportunity to own the café restaurant for family run and instantly making money. Current owner has been building a reputation for delicious food. 2,100 sq ft, low rent $3,400 including NNN, lease 4 years plus 5 years option. For more information contact Paul suh at 714-323-1010.
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*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.