Listing: #SV00204Raj Sathyaseelan
Broker | Silicon Valley

About this Business for sale in Greater San Francisco Bay Area
TOP RATED SOLAR INSTALLATION LEADER IN SILICON VALLEYThis award-winning Solar and Battery installer is a leader in the Bay Area market with a proven track record of over 15+ years. This business has successfully navigated many of the solar industry challenges and regulations over the years and built a solid foundation for a potential acquirer with a proven management team, well-trained employees, brand reputation, and marketing programs that can also be replicated in new markets.
They offer premium solar solutions with excellent customer service as its tailor made customized solution is customized to produce optimal energy for the customer. They are also have TESLA approved to install a Power wall solution along SOLAR products. This enables them to keep a competitive edge as the recent NEM 3.0 changes in California makes it critical to package SOLAR and Batter solutions together to show ROI for the customers.
They primarily serve residential customers so this is an attractive opportunity for an existing solar player who is looking to grow geographically or branch into the residential market. This business has a strong sales pipeline of over $8M+ for Solar panel and Battery for 2024 and Beyond.
*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.