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Fast Growing Preschools In Growing Neighborhood with Real Estate

Listing: #SV00209

Bharath Ajendla

Broker | Silicon Valley

Bharath Ajendla

(925) 201-1989

(424) 253-6352

About this Business for sale in Greater Sacramento Area

Fast Growing Preschools In Growing Neighborhood with Real Estate

This premier Montessori preschool established several decades ago, has become a distinguished name in providing exemplary Montessori education. This school, through its dedication to the Montessori philosophy, emphasizes personalized learning, mixed-age classrooms, and hands-on experiences, fostering an environment where children are encouraged to explore and learn at their own pace. With a history of success, the school not only boasts a robust enrollment but also enjoys a reputation for being highly profitable, underpinned by its ownership of valuable real estate. This financial stability allows for continuous investment in quality educational materials, facilities, and staff development, ensuring the institution remains at the forefront of Montessori education.

The institution caters to a wide range of age groups, from toddlers to elementary-aged children, offering programs that are thoughtfully designed to meet the developmental needs of each age group. The school's commitment to nurturing the kids - intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially has resulted in its being well-regarded within the community. This positive community engagement is evidenced by the strong relationships it maintains with families, many of whom have become generational customers; parents who once attended the school now entrust their own children to its care, reflecting the deep trust and affection the community has for the institution.

The school's success story is not just about its profitability or the quality of its educational programs; it's deeply intertwined with its community's fabric. Being well-liked and respected within the community has fostered a sense of loyalty and tradition, making the school a preferred choice for generations. As it continues to operate, the institution maintains its dedication to the Montessori method while embracing the challenges of an evolving educational landscape. This adaptability, coupled with a solid foundation of community trust and financial health, positions the school to continue its legacy of excellence in Montessori education for future generations.

Silicon Valley
(925) 201-1989
(424) 253-6352

Bharath Ajendla

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*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.