Link Business

Katherine Shepherd

Sales Manager

Phone: +64 3 366 3394
Mobile: +64 275545151
Office: Christchurch

Katherine is the Sales Manager at LINK Christchurch & South Island. She brings with her a wealth of experience from her corporate career across England, France, and Canada.

Since creating a family and life in Christchurch, she has worked within the travel, real estate, and recruitment industries and been instrumental in successfully growing businesses throughout the country. This was done through her skills in robust business planning, budgeting, goal setting, negotiations, marketing, and strong leadership.

Katherine has been a catalyst for LINK’s growth and success. Her direct communication style, coupled with her philosophy on running a successful team and business, has led to remarkable achievements. Under her leadership, LINK South Island has flourished, earning her accolades such as the 'Small Office' Business Broker of the Year award back-to-back at annual industry awards, 'Manager of the Year' by REINZ, and a finalist spot at the prestigious Westpac Business Awards. Katherine’s focus on planning, accountability, and delivering results has solidified her reputation as a top-performing leader.

In her personal life, Katherine is an avid runner, mountain biker, and adventure racer. All whilst being a hands-on mum to her two children.