Link Business

Trailer & Snow Plow Dealer with Strong Sales Growth

Listing: #PAE00314

Chad Rice

Broker | Pennsylvania East

(717) 740-5496

(484) 334-2522

About this Business for sale in Pennsylvania

Trailer & Snow Plow Dealer with Strong Sales Growth

This company is a preeminent registered trailer and snowplow dealer located in Pennsylvania. The company’s revenues have grown exponentially over the past several years, driven by a variety of State contracts, with continued product diversity. The Company sells a wide variety of new and used trailers, plows, and spreaders. The Company also offers accessories to all these products and a full-service center for maintenance.

The Company has significant dealership agreements with multiple trailer, plow, and spreader manufacturers, which are all based in the USA.  In addition, the company has a long-term lease on a large commercial property with the option to extend into the future.

The property is well-positioned along a highly trafficked roadway for strong, stable exposure and sales.

Pennsylvania East
(717) 740-5496
(484) 334-2522

Chad Rice

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*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.