Link Business

Award Winning Publishing and Event Media Company

Listing: #PAE00331

Chad Rice

Broker | Pennsylvania East

(717) 740-5496

(484) 334-2522

About this Business for sale in East Coast States

Award Winning Publishing and Event Media Company

This growing and profitable Media Company has built a solid reputation and a loyal customer base over its nearly thirty years in business.  Some key points worth noting are:

1.       Geographic Reach: The Company has significant presence in the region and serves a wide customer base that extends across south-central and southeastern Pennsylvania.

2.       Longevity: Operating for nearly three decades, the Company is stable and experienced in the industry.

3.       Customer Satisfaction: The Company has managed to delight its customers with outstanding products and services by having a strong commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

4.       Credible Publications and Events: The Company’s award-winning publications and events have earned a reputation for credibility. This is important in media, as credibility can attract both readers and advertisers.

5.       Loyal Following: The Company has a "strong following" and a very loyal customer base. This can be a valuable asset for any media company.

Overall, this media Company has a solid foundation, a loyal customer base, and a forward-thinking approach by embracing digital services to enhance its value proposition. These factors position the Company well for continued success and growth in the media industry.

An acquiring company will increase its revenue immediately and position itself into a repeatable and scalable model across a broader geography and other areas of its existing operations. Success with events has propelled vertical and horizontal growth opportunities. The template created for execution of events has been honed over 25+ years and more than 200 shows allowing for a seamless addition of new events. The Company utilizes a CRM program where publication subscriber information is maintained along with years of sales history communications within the software allowing them access to more than 35,000 contacts ultimately acting as the backbone of the sales process.

The Company has a long-term, dedicated, knowledgeable employee base, and a leadership team with an average tenure of 20 years.

Pennsylvania East
(717) 740-5496
(484) 334-2522

Chad Rice

Inquire Now

*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.